Programs and Projects

Maxiforja Institutional Projects and Programs

These activities stand out or being developed based on Social Responsibility initiatives aimed at promoting awareness among company employees and improving resources for the community.  

Compliance with environmental legislation and regulations.

Good for Maxiforja and great for the planet.

For Maxiforja, it is important that all personnel are familiar with the EMS (Environmental Management System), its role within the company and the individual responsibilities of maintaining proper environmental practices.  The achievement of ISO 14.001 certification and internal initiatives of the MaxiDicas program support the Environmental Management System and make Maxiforja a greener company.


Improving quality without ignoring the details.

MaxiLean aims at excellence in processes work progress within the company as a whole and compliance with regulations.  A program whose strongest feature is the work of employees, who are dedicated to maintaining high quality. 


Groups that transform Maxiforja’s daily operations.

The improvement groups consist of employees from different departments who identify problems and propose solutions for implementation.   This work enhances our production system and improves the work of all personnel.

Environmental awareness campaign

MaxiTips proposes initiatives that encourage awareness among staff about conserving natural resources and caring for the environment through fun and dynamic plays. 


Health are safety are priorities in our work routines.

Created to develop and value Maxiforja strategies geared towards health, safety and the environment, Safety Management identifies and controls risks.  The initiatives employed by this system are aimed at reducing occupational accidents and illness within the company, increasing our commitment to the well-being of all our employees.